Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Book!
Today is the official release of the first book that features two pieces of my art! To say I'm excited would be an understatement! Its available at barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com today and in stores on January 12. I will be the lady in Barnes and Noble, in the Craft and Hobbies section, moving other books and putting mine in front...haha. Oh, heck, who am I kidding, I'll be putting it downstairs, right as you come in, with the New releases. Be sure to look for it!
I still haven't actually been able to see the book in person yet. I was confused about release dates. No worries, I'll get a copy of it soon enough. And I will have more photos to come. In the meantime, I will be celebrating today by doing more art!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


   Happy New Year 2015!

                                                                                                                     (artwork by Cindy Blevins)

We all hear talk like this from people: "This is the year to truly embrace who you are!" "Dream big dreams!" How often do we really act on that? Too many times we become impatient. Are quick to give up. We lack confidence in ourselves. We feel it can only happen for others, and not us. We will come up with excuses as to why we can't do something/be something. Let's face it, you can't hit a target if you don't even bother to shoot at it.
We allow the I'm not good enough or smart enough or (fill in the blank) to get in our way.
The negative opinions people throw at you. Most times, our biggest enemy is ourselves.
My struggle? I have had a life-long battle with lack of confidence in myself, my art work.
ARTIST is my word for 2015. I've had a hard time with this label for years. I've allowed  negative self-talk keep me from saying I am an an artist. I have wanted to BE an artist ever since I was a little girl.
I even considered myself one then! Go figure! I was never without pencils, paper, glue, crayons, craft supplies. I would draw, paint, make miniatures out of anything, sew, crochet. I loved getting new school supplies! That meant a fresh box of crayons! the joy! When I was 12, I won 3rd place in a "Create an Ad" art contest the local newspaper ran every year. I even won $75!
Then something happened as I grew up. I didn't go to art college like I always said I would. I didn't get much, if any, encouragement to pursue art. I went down a less risky path for me. I went to vo-tech for Cosmetology during high school. I got my Cosmetology license, a job, graduated high school, got married the following year.
As the years went on, I still continued to draw. And paint. And make crafts. And cut hair for a living. I even sold my crafts at shows for a few years. I got into photography and scrapbooking as my kids were growing up. Still, I figured since I never went to art college, I wasn't a REAL artist. I never had my art in a juried art show. I never pursued that career in commercial art or cartooning like I always dreamed I would. How could I ever say I was a real artist?
Then last year, at the age of 46, something magical happened. I was so sick of feeling the way I did towards my art dreams. One day, I decided to go for it and submit 6 art journaling pieces to a call for art for an upcoming book. (thanks to encouragement from my daughter, who happened to be an illustration major in art college at the time). I'll never forget the feeling I had after I clicked send, emailing my submissions to the publisher.
I felt sick. I felt like a fraud! Who in the heck did I think I was? A REAL artist? Yea, haha, right.
But guess what? A month later, I received the news that they accepted 2 of my pieces! Then I looked to see who else contributed art for the book. Names of artists I admire were listed along with mine. Artists that I have followed for years. Artists that have published their own books. Say what? Unreal.
So fast forward to now. 2015. The book is coming out next week! On January 6th.
It's called "Art Journaling Kickstarter', by North Light books. I'm so excited I can't stand myself.
My New Years Resolution? More art this year!
Have you always wanted to do something? Dream a dream!
Figure out what needs to happen in order for that dream to become a reality
I am finally feeling like I can call myself an artist with confidence. I AM a real ARTIST.
Ask my daughter. This is huge.